As a student, things can be hectic at the beginning of the school year. You have to buy supplies, new clothing, books and more. As a new university student there is an added stress because this time you have to do everything on your own. Well now not everything! This handy checklist details some of the things you should be getting done as a new student to be successful in your first term at PSU!
1. Find the Engineering Building
So this actually may be the hardest step of them all, which is why I put it first. Many of your classes may not be in the Engineering Building (EB), or its neighbor the Fourth Avenue Building (FAB), but it is still a good resource. It is on the edge of campus near Ondine, Broadway and right across the road from a ton of food carts.
2. Meet with your adviser
If you are an engineering student you can schedule an advising appointment either by calling 503-725-4631 or by going to the Student Services Office located on the first floor of the Engineering Building. Learn more about engineering advising.
If you plan to study computer science, you can book an appointment online. Your advising session will take place in the Computer Science Department office located in the Fourth Avenue Building (FAB), which is just north of the Engineering Building. Learn more about computer science advising.
3. Make sure your CECS account is set up and you have access to the building
4. Buy your books!
Some classes may not even require books. It's always best to see your professors policy on books before you spend $200 on a textbook that will remain unopened for the remainder of the term. However, if a book is required, get it early. Head over to the PSU bookstore, which should have all your books. It is also easy to order off of or as well.
5. Meet your Professors
3. Make sure your CECS account is set up and you have access to the building
You should have already received your student ID, if you haven't you need to head over to the first floor of Neuberger Hall to receive one. Once you have a PSU student ID, you need to set up what's called a CECS account. Your CECS account gives you access to Maseeh College resources such as computer labs and its Linux environment. If you have not yet set up you CECS account, contact the Computer Action Team (CAT) at or visit them in person at their desk in FAB 82-01 from 8AM to 6PM weekdays and 12PM - 5PM Saturday. Learn more about the CAT and getting your CECS account.
4. Buy your books!
Some classes may not even require books. It's always best to see your professors policy on books before you spend $200 on a textbook that will remain unopened for the remainder of the term. However, if a book is required, get it early. Head over to the PSU bookstore, which should have all your books. It is also easy to order off of or as well.
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PSU Bookstore Location on a map |
5. Meet your Professors
This may be something to do after the term has started, but you already have access to your professors emails from under Student Services > Registration and Class Schedule > Detail Schedule. There should be an @ symbol next to the professors name, just click that and it will lead you to their email. Introduce yourself, tell them you're excited for there class and to meet. It is always good to establish a personal relationship with a professor before the class even starts!
6. Online Tips!
Most of your classes will use online resources. Some of your professors may have their own website, familiarize yourself with it. If they don't, they will likely use, an online module which allows students to submit homework, write discussion posts, etc. You should have gotten your ODIN login which you will use to login to D2L. If you don't have an ODIN login, again head over to the first floor of Neuberger Hall to set one up. Explore the websites, they are good resources!
Good Luck in your first term at PSU!
6. Online Tips!
Most of your classes will use online resources. Some of your professors may have their own website, familiarize yourself with it. If they don't, they will likely use, an online module which allows students to submit homework, write discussion posts, etc. You should have gotten your ODIN login which you will use to login to D2L. If you don't have an ODIN login, again head over to the first floor of Neuberger Hall to set one up. Explore the websites, they are good resources!
Good Luck in your first term at PSU!